Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Since the hubster and I really enjoyed last nights BLT's, he suggested SLT's for dinner.  (The S is for shrimp!).  What a wonderful idea. I cooked the shrimp by baking them for 10 mins in the oven, preheated to 425, seasoned with olive oil and spices.  Once they came out, we took about 1/2 lb and sliced them thin (in half, the long way).  I also cooked my last two pieces of butcher bacon to add to the SLTs, thus making them SBLT's.  We made it on our new favorite bread, and added some mustard.  (Instead of lettuce we used spinach, so I suppose we actually made SBLS's - yes, I amuse myself). Anyway, they were delicious! I've never actually put shrimp on a sandwich, and it was so good, I thought it would be a wonderful summer meal.

We also made Shrimpy Couscous on the side with the other 1/2 lb of shrimp that we cooked, along with french cut frozen green beans, roasted at 425 for 20 mins, with lemon, olive oil, and garlic.  So good and filling!
I ate before I snapped!
Can you believe with how healthy I eat (or feel that I eat) I gained 31 lbs so far this pregnancy?? That's up 3 lbs from last month.  I know I'm supposed to gain weight, but its totally unfair that I "pig" out on grapes, and apples, and spinach salads, and roasted veggies, (and pasta!)...... instead of what I really want... like nachos, big ice cream sundaes...etc... and I still gain so much! I just want to whine and stomp my foot because I think its so unfair!! It makes me think, if I was actually eating what I wanted to eat, would I gain 60 lbs like I did with Mikayla? I bet so.  I think I just have a body that likes to store weight during a pregnancy. I project my delivery weight to be +45 lbs total.  Oh well, what am I gonna do, ya know?

I know... Smile!! Because I already have an amazing princess, she is showing off her new sparkly sneakers her Nana bought her on Saturday.  Its necessary to have sparkly things if you are a kindergartner.

I don't know if you can see this or not, but thanks to my Price Chopper fuel advantage $2.50 off per gallon discount, I paid $15 to top off my gas tank... that's 12 gallons of gas for $15 baby... circa 1995 fill up prices!! 

1 comment:

  1. Wow, this looks so good!!! I am a huge shrimp lover and can eat it on anything so this recipe is right up my alley! :-)

