Thursday, June 16, 2011


Last night I couldn't sleep and had to be up bright and early to drive Mikayla to school today.  I had high hopes for today, because I accomplished so much yesterday, but the lack of sleep from last night is already slowing me down.  I got Mikayla to school on time.... I hate how sometimes 9am seems so early, because I know its not!! I really wanted to keep her home with me today, but I didn't because she only has 3 full days of school left, and I know these are the fun days!

I came home and cooked up a hearty breakfast, because I was starving! I made an amazing egg sandwich, with 2 eggs, fresh mozz cheese, some leftover Brushetta Salsa stuff, lettuce and some hot sauce.

I should have went with my instinct and only made half... I haven't been hungry or eating a lot lately.  Seriously.  Yesterday I pretty much snacked on some watermelon, which kept me full until dinner.  Pregnancy sure does some fun things to you!!

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